Domain Registrations
Domain name registration is the first step towards establishing your web presence, it functions as your address on the Internet. To register a domain name you can choose .na extension and any domain that is available of your choice.
Virtual Private Servers
Virtual Private Servers (VPS) offer companies the option to upgrade to a dedicated server like environment, at a much lower price. VPS Solutions offer a cost-effective way of maintaining a secure, reliable and scalable environment for your website or application and help fill the gap between an entry-level web hosting plans and a dedicated server or a co-location solution. Virtual Private Servers are an effective way of implementing technology solutions on the internet before upgrading to a dedicated server hosting or co-location solutions which are costlier
Web Hosting
Our web hosting plans provide your business with a solid, safe and reliable web hosting platform. Our plans come pre-packaged with priority technical support, lots of online help resources and free components and scripts to increase the value delivered to you. We make it easy for you get started and build your Internet presence. Our web hosting plans deliver the latest in technology and features to help you build your website