
Delivery Information

Orders placed on iShoppe are delivered free of charge in WINDHOEK, Namibia.

Only users in Namibia may buy goods and services through the iShoppe website.  iShoppe will only accept orders for delivery addresses in Namibia. Products and services sold through the iShoppe website are intended for use only in Namibia.

Products purchased through the iShoppe will be delivered to you for a fee. A courier company engaged by iShoppe will perform deliveries. You may be required to provide a valid form of identification when your order is delivered.

iShoppe is not liable for any incorrect order or delivery where you make an error in the information that you provide to iShoppe e.g. if you provide the incorrect delivery address or submit an incorrect order.

You acknowledge that the delivery of your order may be impacted by events beyond iShoppe’s control such as adverse weather conditions or industrial action.  iShoppe is not liable for late deliveries of products purchased through the iShoppe website.  iShoppe will, however, try to ensure a smooth delivery process.

Delivery usually takes up to 96 hours from confirmation of your order, confirmation that stock is available and that payment in full is received. Deliveries to more remote parts of our country may take a few days longer.